Fixing the exfoliating problem....rather then using sugar scrubs (which are lovely for a light exfoliation on your skin) we recommend a natural bristle brush. These are fabulous for your feet, ankles, hands, and anywhere else the tan may stick longer to the skin. The natural bristles are aggresive enough to take off stuborn tan, but much more gental than a wet wash cloth and will not leave the skin irritated or raw. We sell these brushes for $10 or you can pick one up at the drug store. .

Hands, Feet, and Face Fade First!!!! I know! is frustrating, cause that is what everyone sees most of the day. We have a solution to that too. Glow on the Go, we sell 2 kinds...the best we have found after trying many many many different brands. Our aresole touch up tanning spray is light enough so you cant mess it up, but dark enough to keep it up. We will show you how to apply it lightly to your hadns and feet and brush it out like we do here at the studio. It is best applied at night starting on the 3rd or 4th day of your airbrush tan.

What do I tan in??? Ladies, get over it...its time to just get naked! Of course you can wear whatever you are comfortable in, but the best airbrush tan is one without tan lines. It makes you look even head to toe and then there is no chance of an awful tan line showing when you wear a dress or bikini. You are paying for this flawless tan, you might as well get your moneys worth.

More tomorrow. Make-up and photography.