Top Looks for Independence Day...
1.) The Red Lip - this is a popular trend for 4th of July, because it gives a pop of color to you makeup look.
- Keep the eyes simple with lots of lashes and maybe black liner
- Add a pop of candy apple red blush but apply very conservatively (just as if someone pinched your cheek)
- Use a clear wax lip liner to keep the red from feathering
- Dont go too dark with your airbrush tan, because it will fade unnaturally
- Put shimmer body lotion (my favorite is Body Bling by Scott Barnes) only on the areas that wont touch your clothes or other people
- Use a matte face bronzer only in the areas where the sun would naturally hit your face (forehead, across the nose and cheeks, and a touch on the chin)
5.) Stars and Stripes - Pick one. Wearing both together can start to look like a parade or costume. I prefer a smaller stripe it is more flattering
6.) Fun Sunglasses - If you can get away with colored rims, I love them. But for me... I love Gold Rims and a bronzy tinted lense. Plus it always looks great with my airbrush tan.
7.) Summer Highlights - Everyone wants to lighten their hair a bit during the summer...however, chunky overdone highlights tend to look dated. Keep them natural and in the right color family for your skin tone.