Friday, January 3, 2014

Top 5 Airbrush Tan Rookie Mistakes

Top Mistakes Made by a Rookie Airbrush Tanning Clients 

1.) Too DarkDon’t go medium or medium dark on your first time getting an airbrush tan, no matter who does it or how great the reputation.  You don’t know if you will actually like the look on you and you can always go darker in the future.  It is best to start with a light or light medium color.  Less shocking the next day and fades very naturally, until you know that you will love it!

2.) Wrong OutfitYoga pants and flip flops are ok, however some Lululemons have very thick seams and are very very tight fitting, they can leave a mark down you legs.  Flip-flops are good during the summer, but the rain on your feet will ruin the spray tan.  Jeans are always a no no…if you have jeans that are baggy enough to not leave a mark then you have a horrible pair of jeans and you shouldn’t wear them anyway;)  Wear very loose fitting clothes and shoes and preferably something with a hood or bring an umbrella.

3.) Poor Scheduling  Get your waxing, nails, pedicures, hair coloring, and clothes shopping done first.  In fact your Flawless Tan should be almost last on your list of services before any event or vacation.  Don’t schedule a massage the very next day (the oils they use can sometimes strip the tan).  Don’t exercise or bath your toddler that night.  If it is summer time, don’t go on a boat or to happy hour sitting in the hot sun for hours sweating.

4.) Bikini Bottoms I know it is awkward and uncomfortable to get sprayed by a person…especially the first time.  I assure you that all the spray tan technician is paying attention to is the results of the tan!!!  I highly recommend getting your airbrush tan done in the nude.   Having said that, if you are going to wear bottomw, it is crucial that you know how your bikini bottoms are going to fit and where exactly the line is going to be so if you do decide to wear bottoms during the spray tan service you don’t end up with funny lines that show when you put on your swim-suite (completely defeats the purpose of the Flawless tan)

5.) Tanning in a Bed for a Base Tan – This simple truth is that this process does nothing except dry out and ruin your skin.  A ‘base tan’ is equivalent to SPF 2-4 (American Academy of Dermatologist).  Just don’t do it.  The tanning beds before a spray tan will cook your skin and the spray tan will have a hard time drying and processing.  The tanning bed after your spray tan will dry out your already dry skin and create horrible flaking of the spray solution and often premature fading in patches.  Not recommended….the California Cocktail is a thing of the past, not a good look on anyone.  

This is probably more informaiton about spray tanning that you ever thought you needed to know, but it is important random things to consider to get a truly Flawless Tan.